Thursday, February 15, 2007

Internet Fan sites treated seriously - You wouldn't Reed about it

Memo to Ron Reed of the Herald Sun. Quoting comments from anonymous fan websites is ordinary journalism. Don't we (well some of us) look to experts in newspapers for expertise and information? I suppose these fan comments are a guide to the feelings of the ordinary fan. But if we want to know the thoughts of internet posters we will log on.

Amongst a list of silly comments from web fans Reed includes this: 'One even said: "Andrew Bogut can't grow a beard."' Excellent journalism and pertinent information. Bogut, in this exclusive interivew, dismissed the internet punters as men eating hamburgers by their computer. Ron, if you get another chance to interview Bogut, our best Basketballer and a potential NBA superstar, please do not quote comments from fans on websites. It is a waste of Bogut's and our time. And great inclusion of the word bogus. I'm sure Andrew never heard that before.

But Reed is not the only Herald Sun culprit. From Mark Stevens: "One (fan site) had Cooney out for the year. Another fan posted that Cooney had ruptured his achilles and was gone for 2007." Well Mark, you are payed to go to team training to find out this information for yourself, a job many men would give their right arm (and more) to do. So perhaps you could give us legitimate, researched information, rather than baseless, sourceless speculation from an internet poster. We all know they're full of crap.


Peter said...

Too right. Just check the comments at Big Footy for a level of idiocy previously untapped. Good to see Ron's earning his money. For mine, he hasn't really produced anything of value since ghosting Robbie Flower's legendary autobiography, "Robbie".

Master of Cyberspace said...

Yeah but not all AFL Football Forums are the same. Some do focus on quality over quantity. Some do have a passion for the game over a passion for the traffic.